May 15, 2020 — With this episode of the Learning Series, we wanted to show you how to set up your newest tool, the ARchitect Dashboard, but also dedicate most of the time to answering your great questions. Follow along with the webinar recording to uncover all the powerful tools on the Dashboard and hear all your questions answered live.

Because there were a lot of great questions asked during the Q&A portion of the webinar, we have collected some of the more common questions and shared the answers below.

My Dashboard is showing up blank. Why?

Some components of your Dashboard may be appearing blank because you are not following any Interactions, Projects, or Analysts. Here is an example of how to follow an Analyst easily from their profile:  

To follow an Interaction or Project, you can look for the similar Follow button at the top right when you click into them.

Alternatively, you can use the filters to select only the Interactions or Analysts you want to see. Use the settings at the top right corner to set the filters.

Is the “This Week” Overview showing my overview or my entire team’s?

The “This Week” Overview shows your entire team’s overview for the week. We plan on enhancing this widget to allow customizations of who is included in the metrics and changes to the time frame.

How do I add Analyst Perceptions to the Heat Map?

Perception is added to an Analyst for any Interaction you have with the Analyst.  To add a Perception to an Interaction that is already in ARchitect, click on an Interaction you have with the Analyst. Once on the edit page, go to the Analyst name and click on the pencil next to their name. Here you can choose what Perception level you have for the Analyst, then Update and Save. The Analyst Perceptions are based on your perception of the Analyst by Interaction. 

Can I change the order of my analysts on the Heat Map?

Yes, you can change the order of your analysts by sorting the different categories of the Heat Map, selecting the header of your choosing.

The Heat Map is automatically set to show your Followed Analysts. If you decide you want to change that, you can change the filters from Followed Analysts to an Analyst Group that you have created. To do so, click onto the three dots at the top right and edit the filters.

How many analysts can you show on the Heat Map?

We recommend that you do not add more than 50 Analysts. Adding too many Analysts will slow down the performance of your Dashboard. 

What do the colors mean on the Heat Map?

There are 5 colors coding the health of your relationships, which are evaluated based on the frequency of Interactions with the Analyst. The levels are set like this:

How can I manage my Notifications?

To manage your Notifications, you have two options. You can click on Notifications at the very top of ARchitect or you can click on the Notifications settings on your Dashboard. You can then select “Manage Notifications” where you will be able to manage what items you will be notified about and how often. You can also have these notifications emailed straight to your inbox as often as you need. When it comes to Analyst Notifications, you can be notified on changes in contact information, activity, and content created. With Projects and Interactions, you will be notified about any changes made.

Can I change the color on my Schedule events?

Yes, you can change your color choices by the Interaction Type. To do so, go to your Site Admin tab and select on Interaction Types. Click on the pencil to edit the Interaction Type and, from there, choose a color for the Color field and Save. 

How can I add a Task?

Tasks can be added to a related Interaction or Project. Click on or create the Interaction that you want to create a Task for and scroll to the bottom of the edit page. Here you will find an “Add Task” button that will allow you to fill in with your notes and assign a due date. You will now be able to see this Task on your Dashboard in the Task widget.