Roses are red, violets are blue, analyst relations, we truly love you!

On Valentine’s Day, for the second year in a row, we’ve asked analyst relations (AR) pros to share what they love about their jobs. There are many things to be passionate about!

Of course, just like with most relationships, analyst and influencer relations takes work — but the efforts make it that much more fulfilling and rewarding. Read on to see what, exactly, it is about AR that sets practitioners hearts aflutter!

Terry Orsborn, Senior Director, Analyst Relations, SAP 

“Analyst relations professionals provide an essential, key link between industry analysts and internal executives. AR is a strategic role that can drive long-term impact on the business by bringing in a critical outside-in perspective. Plus, AR drives education that can yield positive influence on the perspectives of industry analysts. I love that the role of AR has high impact and allows me to build rewarding relationships with forward-thinking leaders. It is a dynamic role. No day is ever the same; each day presents new challenges and opportunities.” 

Ashley Chabot, Principal Analyst Relations Manager, Braze 

“I love the strategic nature of analyst relations. In this role, you have line of sight to so many different functions within the business. You have a great vantage point in AR.”

Inez Costenoble, Industry Analyst Relations, Siemens AG 

“What I absolutely love about my job is that it allows me to work with brilliant minds and stay on top of the latest and the greatest in tech and in the market. The need to think outside the box is stimulating. Plus, what is really so cool is working with analysts who you seem to have known forever, while also meeting new analysts as technology hype and research calendars merge. It is the history and record that you build day by day in bringing in the outside views on the one hand, and going out with content on the other, that allows analysts, in turn, to fulfill their missions as well.” 

Duncan Chapple, Head of AR and Associate Director, CCgroup

“I love analyst relations consultancy because I get to grow my expertise by supporting ambitious AR leaders who are driven to change their companies’ relationships with analysts.”

Claudine Ruscetta, Senior Director, Global Analyst & Consultant Relations, Lumen

“I love analyst relations for more reasons than I could put into words. It is a profession that lets me help my company grow and thrive through analyst advice, research and support. I love that analysts objectively represent the voice of the customer — always looking to help us serve our customers in the best way possible. At the same time, I get to continually help the analysts too: educating them on our technologies, customer successes, sales and operations (to name a few) to help shape their views of the market, while also increasing consideration for and purchase of my company’s solutions. 

Finally, making this all possible are the fantastic and ongoing relationships on both sides of this equation. Analysts have become like family to me as I’ve known many for countless years through various AR roles. Because AR provides such an intimate and critical service to companies, it’s also allowed me to deepen relationships with my colleagues at all levels, who rely on AR to help with the most important decisions and with most pressing matters.”

Michael Piramoon, Vice President, Analyst and Influencer Relations, Ceridian

“Being in analyst relations gives me a front-row seat to great conversations about innovation, strategy and roadmap development. When analyst relationships are nurtured in the right manner, analysts become a valuable part of our team by sharing insightful information and resources — and even help to educate others and evangelize the great work our teams do to a broad audience of customers, prospects and partners.  

Also, developing and following your own playbook and bringing AR expertise to your organization can help position a company in the best possible light, whether you’re an infrastructure provider, a SaaS provider, a consulting firm, etc.  Great AR helps no matter the offering!”

Dawn Giusti, Director, Analyst Relations, Cloudflare 

“What I love about AR is the strategic benefits it can bring to a company — whether that be influencing positioning and go-to-market strategy, validating roadmap and directions, or speeding the sales cycle through analyst influence. I also love building solid relationships with analysts who are key to the success of the program.”